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The Nordic Mum

Dec 14, 2020

How you can have that balanced content life that we all are dreaming about? Listen the eight tips that I have gathered to you and how you can put them in action come new year and start new year with a bang.

Nov 23, 2020

This Norwegian word is the new Hygge and I wanted to explore and see how it can help us during winter.

Nov 3, 2020

I asked Finns what they miss the most and this list included a sauna and lots of food. Listen to what we miss and perhaps one or two things that you miss is on the list as well.

Jul 14, 2020

Year 2020 I decided not to take a word as my mantra like I had last year. I just felt that there is no need to have a word. Instead of a word I wanted to go through these 12 points I see that you can live your best year yet. 2020 is going to be the best year yet to me and to you.

Jul 6, 2020

How Finland differs from Australia on education and why. My thoughts when you compare apples to apples. This is an old episode that I am releasing.